Wednesday, 27 February 2013

star power lindsay lohan

The effect of star power on Oscars and films. 
Actors and actresses with more star power attract more audiences they have more fans, more fans mens more views for the movie making more profit.They can provide a guranteed income.
opening a film-holding the lead title on your own-playing the main character e.g.Jennifer lawerence  does that in Hunger games she is the lead actress.
actress and actors who have starpower make successful films.We know she is a good actress as she has won the oscar award -Critical acclaim.
Jennifer lawerence played the lead title in Hunger games which has a Budget of $78,000,000 and had a Gross of $407,999,255 (USA) (31 August 2012).That right there shows how powerful starpower can be.

Lindsay lohan is an example of someone who has no starpower, many of the movies she has played the lead title of make a loss of 10million rather than gaining.Lindsays movie Just my luck had a Budget of $28,000,000 (estimated) and made a Gross of $331,344 (25 August 2006) 

Therefore starpower is a very important factor espeacially for directors and producers, they have to be careful on the actress/actor they choose to play the lead title in their movies

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